“A product is creative when it is (a) novel and
(b) appropriate. A novel product is original not
predictable. The bigger the concept, and the
more the product stimulates further work and
ideas, the more the product is creative.”
— Sternberg & Lubart, Defying the Crowd
Nowadays, the importance of creativity has increased dramatically. The focus on customer service, competition, flatter organizational structures are among several organizational changes and developments that make creativity a valuable necessity. Company life-cycles are getting very short and one reason for that may be inability of many companies to exercise creativity and innovation, respectively. Creativity can be defined as an ´´ability to produce work which is both novel and appropriate´´. Being appropriate for the idea is very important, since if new idea is not connected to current idea and knowledge, it may be unimplementable. Understanding the creativity itself, I want to turn to boosting creativity at my start-up. First of all, I will try to hire people who have high self-efficacy, tend to be independent and self-discipline and also have willingness to overcome obstacles. Moreover, I will try to employ people with diverse expertise as it is highly conducive to creativity in an organization. I will not go with just supportive environment, but I will ´´find some happy people and get them fight´´(Sutton, 2001) because certain degree of adversity is necessary. According to A. Styhre & M.Sundgren (2005), ´´many creative ideas are born into hostile environment or at least an environment where different ideas are competing for scarce resources´´.
After I have a team of people, I will share organizational goals with them and make sure everyone is good with it. Then, as one and the most important factor in creativity, I will support group work, also encourage and value their individual contribution. It is also important for me to challenge them with the work assigned, challenge them with their ideas or their goals, and at the same time give them reasonable deadlines. Since I understand how criticism of new ideas damage creativity, I will develop an environment where new ideas do not get criticized, instead rewarded. In turn, this does not mean failures will be punished. Instead, failures will be also rewarded and that´s inaction which will be punished at my start-up. I agree with the idea that it is impossible to generate a few good ideas without also generating a lot of bad ideas. Therefore, creativity results from action. ´´Creativity is a function of the quantity of work produced´´(Sutton, 2001). My start-up will be the place where ideas are generated constantly and where the best ideas win.
Furthermore, Instead of weekly ´´report-ive´´ meetings, I will hold meeting with my people to exercise creativity techniques or idea generation techniques in order to promote the environment which in turn promotes creativity in an organization. I will unquestionably encourage divergent thinking called as ´´Thinking Outside the Box´´ at my start-up, since it allows thinkers think without boundaries and leads to creative problem solving. As for how I am going to stimulate divergent thinking, I will use impossibilities and role switching as suggested by Thompson (2003). Even though Brainstorming is criticized for its weaknesses leading to social loafing and so on, I strongly believe that brainstorming can be used as encouraging creative thinking and I will employ it in discussing certain cases. Another technique I would promote at my start-up is analogical reasoning. I mentioned above that I will strive to have people with diverse expertise, so they can freely and efficiently use practice of analogical reasoning. Analogical reasoning technique will lead to creativity, if people apply a concept or idea from their previous experience to the current company operations. Nevertheless, I expect my company to grow at a high rate and I will need more people, so ´´newcomer´´ will have great influence on the company team in that it motivates ´´old-timers´´ according to Thompson (2003). In addition, it does not matter how small my company building is at the beginning, It will have a place where employees can gather and share their ideas, thoughts and opinions. The most important above all is, I will coach my employees to make them use the techniques properly and in an efficient manner. So, free flow of communication and ideas will be placed at the top of the companies priorities.
Finally, I want to summarize with the model for management practice, leadership and creativity introduced by A. Styhre & M.Sundgren (2005) in their book Managing Creativity in Organizations. The model presents dynamics involved in managing organizational creativity. Authors emphasize the influence of leadership and management on creativity in organizations. However, the model offers new thinking in management practice to support creativity. I found it useful and I will take account the model implications, which suggest to use the concept of stabilizers and de-stabilizers. According to model, stabilizers are fixed repertoires of behavior programmes over time, while destabilizers are dynamic and unpredictable behaviors. Examples for destabilizers are informal networks, information sharing, thinking out of the box and intrinsic motivation, whereas examples for stabilizers can be management control, planning and extrinsic motivation. I want to point out that organizations have many stabilizers but more often lack proper destabilizers. So, I will apply this model to my start-up by recognizing, supporting and handling destabilizers and stabilizers in order to promote organizational creativity at my company.
Styhre A., & Sundgren M. (2005). Managing Creativity in Organizations. Great Britain:
Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham and Eastbourne
Thompson L. (2003). Improving the creativity of organizational work groups. Academy of
Management Executive, Vol 17 No. 1
Sutton. R. I. (2001). The Weird Rules of Creativity. Harvard Business Review, 94-103.
Naiman L. (2006-07). What is Creativity? Retrieved September 15, 2008, from
Gustavsson V. (2008). Lecture September 8th: Organizational Creativity. Retrieved 2008-
09-08, from Jonkoping International Business School´s website :