Friday, September 5, 2008

Issue that struck me the most…

To further elaborate more on one of my posts called as ``What is the probability that a ´´young student´´ can become an entrepreneur?´´ , I want to talk a little bit about personality characteristics, which are more likely considered to be the part of an answer to the discussion topic.

Before coming to JIBS, attending lectures and reading recommended books, I strongly believed that by observing personality characteristics of a person would be one of the determinant whether a person will be an entrepreneur or not? I was sure about strength and implication personality characteristics had in answering to my question. But, now it appears that that´s not the whole story.

There is an interesting discussion made by Dollinger (1999) on this matter, stating that already for a long period of time, entrepreneurial research has recognized a number of personality characteristics that distinguish entrepreneurs from others. But still, even the most frequently discussed ones came out to be not a distinguishing characteristics of entrepreneurs. Finally, Dollinger (1999) says that `´ what distinguishes entrepreneurs from nonentrepreneurs is that entrepreneurs start new businesses and others do not´´. Moreover, I can say that Dollinger (1999) gives valid argument on this subject.

Dollinger, M. J. (1999) Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources (2ed., pp.25-40) . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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